Ways we can collaborate
Liminal Space Psychology Service and Labyrinth House are working together to offer opportunities to collaborate in order to support the wellbeing of children and young people, their families, school staff and other professionals working in education and child-focused services.
These services are currently being offered directly to Educational Settings in the Southend-on-Sea / Essex area.
There is information below to provide an overview of support and a link in each section to register interest and find out more.

Wellbeing Retreat Days are being run in collaboration with Labyrinth House.
The Wellbeing Retreat Days is a space where teaching staff can come to connect, recharge and share.
The day consists of
Reflective conversations
Values-guided thinking
Yoga / Mindfulness
Read about the pilot wellbeing retreat days on our home page
To register your interest please complete this form Wellbeing Retreat Day

Liminal Space Psychology Service & Labyrinth House are jointly offering collaborative service packages to schools in the Southend-on-Sea and surrounding areas.
To register interest and arrange a free initial collaborative conversation to explore how we could work together please email liminal.psych@gmail.com

Collaborative Classrooms is a holistic way of working with teaching staff and pupils using observation and collaboration. A classroom observation takes place in class followed by a collaborative conversation with the teaching staff (and pupils if appropriate as part of the work). A collaborative review is then held after six weeks.
This work can be extended using the Working on What Works (WoWW) model: further information can be found by viewing this EP Reach-Out webinar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9He1czPFbE&t=14s

Workshops on a range of topics can be provided to those interested in developing their knowledge and understanding of child development.
Workshops can be delivered online or in-person; the length will vary depending on the request.
Current workshops being delivered or developed are:
Understanding and Supporting Speech Language and Communication Needs in the Early Years
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Principles for Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Trauma-Informed and Relational Approaches to Education
Understanding and Supporting Anxiety
Learning from Covid-19 - The Views of Children and Young People
To register your interest in workshops please email liminal.psych@gmail.com

Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) and Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP) are strengths-based interventions for supporting positive relationships.
VIG is often used with parents / carers and VERP more commonly with professionals. Both interventions focus on developing skills and attunement.
This work can be commissioned by children's services (such as social care) or educational settings.
There are plans to create a group based intervention for parents to directly engage with VIG.
For further information please watch this wonderful animation created by Kent Educational Psychology Service
What is Video Interaction Guidance?
There is much more information to be found on the Other Exciting Projects page
To register your interest in VIG and VERP please email liminal.psych@gmail.com

Collaborative conversations are a space to think together about what is happening and co-create ways to move things on in a meaningful way.
Collaborative conversations are an excellent way to develop professional practice and to support emotional wellbeing.
Regular sessions can allow a trusting relationship to build and offers a safe space to think through the more difficult elements of working life.
Collaborative conversations are offered to teaching staff of all levels, social care staff and any professionals working in education and child care services.
Collaborative conversations can also involve parents/carers and pupils as a way to plan together or as part of an Explorations of Strengths piece of work.
To register interest please email liminal.psych@gmail.com

A Collaborative Exploration of Strengths piece of work involves an initial conversation (usually with the SENCo) around the differences and difficulties a pupil may be experiencing and agreement of next steps. Following this, an observation of the pupil is carried out prior to dynamic assessment tasks to explore the pupil’s strengths and areas for development. A collaborative conversation is then held with teaching staff, parents/carers and the pupil. A collaborative summary is written following the visit. A collaborative review is held after six weeks.
To register interest please email liminal.psych@gmail.com

I am also happy to speak to any aspiring Educational Psychologists who would like to know more about the profession. Depending on interest this may be a small group meeting.
I am a volunteer mentor for the EP Diversity Mentorship Scheme, which I can provide details for too.
Please email liminal.psych@gmail.com